Having had a number of meetings with area representatives and interested and committed residents in the area, we have established that 51 homes out of the 76 in the area are interested in supporting this project based on the projected costs, and the eventual outcome of having the neighbourhood monitored by AI CCTV Cameras with armed response, should it be required for positive threats.
The 13 camera poles are custom made according to each site but are generally 3m x 2m 75mm poles, galvanized and powder coated black. These will need to be installed on residents’ properties on the inside of their boundary walls with an arm protruding out toward the road, for maximum visibility from the camera mounting points. A lockable electrical box will be mounted close to the pole and will contain the power supply, backup battery and a 12v network switch. These boxes will require 220v power which we draw from the closest available 24–hour electrical supply. We have a qualified electrician should plug boxes etc. need to be installed. There is no additional cost for this.
A network cable is required to be run from the box to the resident’s router, where it will occupy a port on the router. The router will be configured by our IT company to allow us to connect through that port only to have the cameras online and visible in our camera control room. The cameras do not affect download bandwidth, and only use the upload bandwidth to send video and any alerts. A minimum of 10MB per second upload bandwidth is required and will only be used when the camera is sending video events or if we are viewing it live.
The poles will be required to be mounted in the general vicinity of the points indicated on the map for the best available coverage of access points into the area, and at each intersection within the area. The recommended layout is as follows:
Beckenham Place – 3 poles with 2 cameras each.
Windsor Drive – 4 poles. At each end a pole with 2 cameras each and at the intersections a pole with 4 cameras each.
Oxford Drive – a pole with 4 cameras at the Cambridge intersection, one at the Goodholme intersection with 3 cameras, and at the Prospect Hall end a pole with 2 cameras. If the camera looking towards Northway has insufficient range to reach Northway, we will install a camera on our ANPR pole at 2 Oxford at our cost.
Bellengere Drive – 3 poles with 2 cameras each.
The cameras themselves are 5 megapixel IP cameras with built-in artificial intelligence, allowing for virtual tripwires and intrusion zones, and can distinguish between humans and vehicles. They have flashing warning lights that can be enabled as a deterrent feature, optional voice recorded responses and 2-way talk. They remain full colour at night to better enable us to identify vehicle and clothing colours. There are built-in illuminators to allow for self–lighting in complete darkness.
Each camera is fitted with an SD card that holds 3-7 days of recordings, dependent on the amount of foot and vehicle traffic passing the camera. The cameras are enabled to record all human and vehicle traffic 24 hours a day, and photo snapshots are also taken automatically in case they are required.
Each camera allows us to set up intrusion zones to detect humans entering the area at hours when residents and their staff are unlikely to be on the streets. For example 7pm to 5am. This ensures that we are not inundated with “false alarms” of permitted people walking in the area, but rather receiving triggers when it is highly likely the “intruder” should not be in the area. The event triggers an alarm in our control room and displays on our screens, allowing the controllers to visually verify that there may be a threat, and to dispatch armed response to investigate. Every other camera in the area can then be displayed on the screens at the touch of a button, allowing us to monitor further movement of the target and to advise our men on the ground accordingly.
We can also allow the cameras to flash a warning at all vehicle/human traffic all hours of the day to notify them that they are on camera.
We undertake to install all of the necessary equipment required to achieve the above and provide ongoing maintenance to ensure the continued operation of all 13 camera systems for the duration of the service, at no additional costs to the residents besides the agreed monthly fees. The installation commencement is subject to a 36 month agreement being signed by each contributor, and also only when the minimum number of residents sign up as detailed below.
51 homes out of the 76 in the area have expressed an interest in this project, and it is therefore reasonable to expect that 43 of those will commit financially to the project. We will therefore set the starting rate at R608 per home per month. Once 43 homes have signed up at that rate we will begin installation.
Should an excess of 43 homes sign up, the project fees of those that have signed up at R608 will be adjusted downward accordingly as per the examples below. Rates will not be adjusted upwards, so it is imperative that at least 43 homes agree to the initial R608.
% of homes in area
You can contact Justin Arnold on 0722204389 or at justin@marshallsecurity.co.za should you have any further questions.