In a significant achievement for Marshall Security, a routine patrol has culminated in the apprehension of a suspect linked to a series of burglaries terrorising the Ballito and Salt Rock community in the last few months.
At approximately 04h25, a vigilant Marshall Security Officer, spotted a suspect jumping out of a property on Ballito Drive. Responding immediately, our Armed Response Officers were dispatched to the scene.
Whilst patrolling, our members spotted the suspect walking on Ballito Drive. As soon as the suspect noticed our team members approaching he attempted to flee on foot. After a short foot chase the suspect was prompty apprehended. Upon searching the suspect house breaking implements as well as two cellphones and a laptop was found in his possession and is suspected to be stolen.
Umhlali SAPS promptly arrived on scene. The suspect, now in custody, is being linked to at least two recent house break-ins in the area, with investigations pending on other related incidents.
This arrest is a testament to the diligence and proactive approach of Marshall Security in combating the spate of burglaries in Ballito. The successful intervention not only signifies a victory against local crime but also reinforces the commitment of Marshall Security to maintain safety and peace in the community.