Ease of Access with Gate and Garage Automation
Okay, so it turns out that you need to get in and out of your property. It’s kinda a deal breaker if you can’t, however it can also be a major weak spot in your overall property security, understandably. As a point of entry for you, it stands to reason that it can be a viable point of entry for the bad guys too. We can make it harder for them though with gate and garage automation.
Welcome Home
At the end of the day, you don’t want to have to get in and out of your car to manually open your gate in the dark. Ack, no thank you! Sadly, it’s just too dangerous. No, you want (and need) to be able to hit the button on your remote and have those arms swing open wide and welcome you home.
We pride ourselves on being able to look after every aspect of your security, and that includes providing technical installation and maintenance support for your gate automation, and garage situation as well.
Gate Automation
These days it’s possible, through a wide assortment of motors, to turn just about any gate out there (swing, rolling, whatever) into a fully operational automatic one. We will recommend and install the correct motor for your gate automation needs, including speed requirements, automatic closing and the like. Plus we can put all access buttons (gate, garage, etc) onto one handy remote (with a panic button included, just In Case of Anything as well). Boom. Efficiency.
Garage Automation
Garage motors also eliminate some of your access vulnerabilities. Built in lights help to illuminate the situation and your surroundings, exposing bad guys and any possible danger, helping you stay alert, and hopefully safe. In the event of your garage door being public facing, garage automation is even more important.
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