A vehicle stolen in Morningside was tracked down on the N2 within 15 minutes of being taken, in the second of two vehicles successfully recovered today.
Just after midday today members of our Special Operations Team were activated to assist Tracker SA in locating a silver Toyota Fortuner, that had been stolen from Innes Road. The motorist had been visiting a friend in the Morningside area when her vehicle was stolen from outside the property.
Our team members immediately responded to the last known location of the stolen vehicle, and it was found abandoned on the N2 southbound just after Umgeni Road. Effective response from members of our Special Operations Team, the Tracker SA ground team, and the SAPS Durban Flying Squad led to the vehicle being recovered within 10 minutes of being activated by Trackers SA, and 15 minutes from the time of theft.
Members of our Special Operations Team assisted the victim with transporting her to the police station to open a case, and then safely returned her to her home in the Westville area, due to her vehicle being taken for investigation.

Then earlier this morning, at approximately 05h55 the Marshall Security Emergency Dispatch Centre was alerted via a community WhatsApp group that a white Kia K2700 had been stolen from a property on Hyacinth Road in the Avoca area.
It was later established that the vehicle was fitted with a tracking device, and members of our Special Operations Team were activated by Tracker SA to assist.
The vehicle was eventually recovered after an extensive search and was found abandoned at around 08h35 on Mkwanazi Road in the Amaoti area by members of our Special Operations, the Tracker SA ground team and the SAPS.
It’s alleged that the suspects stole the vehicle by towing the vehicle with a rope as there was a tow rope attached to the vehicle once it was recovered.
Both scenes will be investigated further by the SAPS.