IN CASE OF ANYTHING 086 162 7732

Durban North Housebreakers Arrested


DATE: 2018/10/16


At approximately 14:10. Marshall Security were alerted to a housebreaking in progress in Kenneth Kaunda Road (Northway). Reports from the scene indicated that two male suspects had forced entry into the home when they were confronted by a neighbour. The men fled on foot with the neighbour in pursuit, whilst the man’s wife contacted our emergency contact centre.

A description of the suspects was obtained over the phone and distributed via our emergency contact centre to all responding vehicles in the area.  One of the suspects was apprehended by members of the public in Chelsea drive whilst his accomplice was arrested by Marshall Security on Lonsdale Drive.

Both men were positively identified by the neighbour and confirmed as being the men who forced entry into the home.

The suspects were arrested on scene and handed over to the South African Police Services for further investigation and processing.

Remember to call us IN CASE OF ANYTHING.

Marshall Security

086 162 7732




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