An Avoca housebreaking suspect was arrested within half an hour of alerts of the incident being received by our Armed Response Officers earlier today.
This morning at approximately 10h15 the Marshall Security Emergency Dispatch Centre received a panic activation from a client on Prince Mhlangana Road in the Avoca area. After making contact with the client it was established that two suspects had broken into a neighbouring vacant property and that they had fled towards the Avoca Park area with stolen items.

A description of the wanted suspects was circulated to all our Armed Response Officers to be on the lookout. A short while later the suspects matching the description was spotted in an informal settlement on Avoca Road by our Armed Response Officers.
One suspect was immediately apprehended while the other unfortunately managed to evade arrest after fleeing into a dense bush. Upon questioning the apprehended suspect, he admitted to breaking into the house and then pointed out to our Armed Response Officers where they had hidden the stolen items, which were successfully recovered. Contact was then made with the owners of the vacant property who desired to open a case against the suspect.
Greenwood Park SAPS arrived on scene a short while later and transported the suspect together with the stolen items to the Greenwood Park police station, where he will be charged for housebreaking and theft.
Well done to our members for their quick response and vigilance!