At around 08h30 this morning a wanted vehicle was spotted by one of our armed response officers traveling on Riverside Road in the Durban North area. The vehicle was wanted for a theft case in June this year where the occupants had entered a well known jewellery shop at a local shopping centre in the Umhlanga area pretending to be customers, who then distracted one of the employees and managed to steal a ring to the value of R2,000.
After the wanted vehicle was identified, reaction officers followed it and together with the assistance of SAPS members of the Provincial Vehicle and Trio task team, who responded swiftly, managed to stop the vehicle on the M19 south bound in the Morningside area.
Further investigations revealed that the vehicle was fitted with false numberplates and it was established that the vehicle had been stolen from the Brighton Beach area almost a year ago in October 2020.
The suspect was arrested and charged for being in possession of a stolen motor vehicle and car break-in implements, as well as fraud, and was taken to Durban Central SAPS for further investigation.
Well done to our alert response officer who spotted the wanted vehicle.