IN CASE OF ANYTHING 086 162 7732

No break for criminals as Marshall Security make several arrests over festive period

No break for criminals as Marshall Security make several arrests over the festive period

This festive season was no different for Marshall Security as our team worked fervently to ensure the safety of the communities we serve.



In the first incident, working on information received, our Special Operations team intercepted a white Volkswagen Polo, wanted in connection with several theft-out-of -motor-vehicle incidents in the Umdloti area of late.  The vehicle was spotted on the Umdloti boulevard area and brought to a stop. Two men were arrested and handed over to the South African Police Services for further investigation and processing.  A search revealed false registration plates attached to the vehicle as well as remote jamming devices.

In a second incident, whilst on a routine patrol in the Virginia area,  a Marshall Security Armed Reaction officer, noticed a white Toyota Quantum driving erratically. When the driver of the Toyota noticed our vehicle, he sped off towards the Ruth First Highway and a highspeed chase ensued. The vehicle was eventually brought to a stop in Somtseu Road, near the Durban Station. The suspect alighted from the vehicle and fled onto the nearby railway lines. A search of the area was conducted however the suspect managed to evade arrest.

A flatscreen television and various other items were found in the vehicle and were later confirmed to have been taken in a housebreaking in the Virginia area.

The vehicle was secured and handed over to the South African Police Services for further investigation and processing.

We would like to wish all our clients and followers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Remember to call us IN CASE OF ANYTHING.

Marshall Security

086 162 7732



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