IN CASE OF ANYTHING 086 162 7732

Quick Action Leads to Arrest of Suspect Stripping Telkom Cables

Yesterday, at approximately 17H00, while on routine patrol one of our Armed Response Officers, in the Morningside area, was flagged down by an alert member of the public on Venice Road who stated that they had spotted a suspect climbing into a manhole on Venice Road.

Responding promptly, our officer arrived at the scene and managed to apprehend a suspect inside the manhole who was stripping and cutting up Telkom cables.

Berea SAPS were contacted together with the Combined Private Investigations from Telkom and arrived on the scene a short while later to assist. Telkom technicians will be sending a team to replace the cable that has been stolen .

The suspect was then transported to Berea SAPS and will be charged for theft and as well as damage to state infrastructure.

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