Last week our teams located a hijacked vehicle to where it was found hidden in a garage and noticed the suspect attempting to escape, but he was quickly stopped in his tracks and arrested.
On Wednesday at approximately 01h30 members of our Special Operations Team and SAPS Phoenix Trio Crimes Unit received information of a blue Polo R Line that had been hijacked in the Berea area. Members immediately acted on the information and proceeded to the Umzinyathi Mdamosa area, where the said blue Polo was found hidden in a garage.

Upon arrival, responding members managed to secure the outside of the house before proceeding inside. As members entered the dwelling they noticed a suspect trying to escape through a window. Members immediately rushed to prevent the suspect from fleeing and managed to arrest him.
The blue Polo’s keys were in the suspect’s possession, with numerous other items that had been taken in a previous house robbery.
It was later established that the same Polo had been used in numerous house robberies in the Westville, Sydenham, Reservoir Hills and Newlands areas.
The scene was secured and handed over to SAPS for further investigation.