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Marshall Security Responds Swiftly to Shooting Incident

North Coast Road Shooting Incident

At approximately 17h00 the Marshall Security Emergency Dispatch Centre was alerted to a shooting incident on North Coast Road in the Park Hill area.

The alert was initially received via a WhatsApp Crime Alert group and was rapidly followed by multiple calls from concerned members of the public.

Multiple armed response officers and members of our Special Operations Team were dispatched who arrived on the scene within moments. Upon arrival, it was tragically confirmed that an African male, aged approximately 40 years old, had sustained multiple gunshot wounds. Despite the quick response, the individual displayed no signs of life.

Netcare 911 paramedics were immediately called to the scene, arriving shortly after to assess the patient. The victim had unfortunately succumbed to his injuries and was declared deceased at the scene by Netcare911 Paramedics.

North Coast Road Shooting Incident

The circumstances surrounding this incident remain unclear, and the aspects leading to this tragic event are still under active investigation.

Greenwood Park SAPS are currently present and will be investigating a case of murder.

Marshall Security wishes to express its deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

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