Yesterday afternoon, our teams rapid response led to the apprehension of a suspect attempting to escape with stolen property in Durban North.
At approximately 17h05, the Marshall Security Emergency Dispatch Centre received a panic activation from a vigilant client on Oxford Drive in the Durban North area. The client reported a suspect was observed on a neighbouring property.
In a display of quick response, multiple Armed Response Officers were immediately dispatched and arrived on the scene within minutes. While conducting a property check, our vigilant officers spotted a suspect attempting to flee with a stolen rim from the property. With decisive action, the Armed Response Officers swiftly apprehended the suspect before an escape could occur.
The homeowner, seeking justice, expressed their desire to press charges against the suspect. Our collaborative efforts extended to notifying the Durban North SAPS, who promptly arrived on scene. The suspect was then transported to Durban North Police Station for further processing and investigation.
Well done yet again to our team with another successful arrest and to the vigilant neighbor who immediately informed our Emergency Dispatch Centre after noticing the suspect in the neighboring property.

In a separate incident on Saturday morning at approximately 10h18, the Marshall Security Emergency Dispatch Centre was alerted to a suspicious vehicle parked on Rosary Road in the Kenville area.
Our Armed Response Officers were immediately dispatched and arrived on scene within four minutes. Upon inspection, it was found that the vehicle’s ignition has been tampered with.
Upon further investigation, it was established with the SAPS that the vehicle was stolen during the course of this evening on Blackburn Road in the Park Hill area.
The Greenwood Park SAPS were notified and arrived on scene a short while later and transported the vehicle to Greenwood Park Police station for further investigation and processing.