IN CASE OF ANYTHING 086 162 7732

Caught in the Act: Marshall Security Apprehends Theft Suspects in Park Hill After Bold Attempt

Yesterday at approximately 14h13, Marshall Security’s Emergency Dispatch Centre received an alert via a WhatsApp Crime Alert group from a vigilant member of the public regarding two individuals carrying four plastic chairs up Lonsdale Drive in Durban North.

Our dedicated Armed Response Officers were immediately dispatched and quickly located the suspects on Lothian Road in the Park Hill area. Upon questioning, the individuals claimed they had been given the chairs by someone on a property in Durban North where they supposedly worked.

Our Emergency Dispatch Centre quickly verified their story by obtaining a contact number from the business signage outside the property. After contacting the business, it was confirmed that no authorization had been granted for anyone to take the chairs.

When confronted with this information, the suspects attempted to flee but were successfully apprehended by our officers. An employee from the business expressed intent to press charges, and Greenwood Park SAPS were dispatched to the scene. Both suspects will now face theft charges.

Marshall Security remains dedicated to protecting the safety and security of our clients and community members by providing rapid response and professional handling in all emergency situations.

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