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Two Armed Robbers Killed In High Speed Chase and Shootout

Two armed robbers were shot and killed following a high speed chase and shootout in the Newlands East area this morning.

Earlier today an unknown amount of armed suspects had robbed a courier vehicle on the M7 near Edwin Swales Drive and fled the scene with an undisclosed amount of valuable goods.

A description of the vehicles used in the armed robbery was circulated and was later spotted travelling in the Newlands area by members of our Special Operations Team, together with the SAPS Phoenix Trio Crimes Unit, who immediately pursued the suspects.

The armed suspects proceeded to open fire when they noticed our team members approaching and a shootout and high speed chase ensued. The suspects then lost control of their vehicle and crashed into a barrier on Galjoen Road in the Newslands East area, where they abandoned their vehicle and continued to shoot at our members while on foot.

Two suspects were killed during the shootout while an unknown amount of remaining suspects managed to flee into the nearby dense bush. The Durban K9 Unit attended and conducted an extensive search of the area, however the suspects unfortunately managed to evade arrest.

All authorities were on scene for further investigation and processing.

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