IN CASE OF ANYTHING 086 162 7732

Weekly Crime Stats 2020/10/28- 2020/11/04

Marshall Security Has Responded To The Following Over The Past Week:


House Breaking:

Davallen Avenue, La Lucia

Marlborough Crescent, Durban North

Fairway Drive, Durban North

Taunton Way, Somerset Park (Attempted)

Ridgeside Road, Umgeni Park

Lagoon Drive, Umhlanga

Fairway Drive, Durban North

Herrwood Drive, Umhlanga

Ashfield Avenue, Springfield Park

Mount Argus Road, Umgeni Park

Elmfield Place, Umgeni Business Park (Attempted)

Chelsea Court, Prestondale

Percy Osborne Road, Windermere


House Robbery:

Lothian Road, Park Hill


Theft out of Motor Vehicle:

Acutt Avenue, Park Hill

Firwood Road, Greenwood Park



Church Road, Park Hill

Taunton Way, Somerset Park (Attempted)

Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Durban North

Corobrik Road, Riverhorse Valley

Athlone Drive, Stamford Hill

Ridgeside Road, Umgeni Park

Cowey Road, Essenwood

Woodford Grove, Windermere

Flamingo Lane, Umhlanga

Recovery of Stolen Goods:


Robbery from Persons:

Crown Road, Kenville



Northumberland Place, Durban North



Tipuana Drive, Glen Hills



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