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Woman Rescued From Blazing Fire At Umgeni Park Home

Woman Rescued From Blazing Fire At Umgeni Park Home

Our teams went into life-saving mode when they responded to a fire at an Umgeni Park home early this morning, breaking down doors and crawling through smoke to rescue a woman trapped inside.

At approximately 06h00 the Marshall Security Emergency Dispatch Centre received alerts of a fire at a property on Roseberry Avenue. Our Armed Response Officers and members of our Special Operations Team were immediately dispatched to assist, along with all other emergency services.

Upon their arrival the fire was raging, clouds of heavy black smoke billowing from the house, and our members were advised that a 29-year-old woman and her 74-year-old grandfather were trapped inside. They assessed the situation for points of entry and proceeded with breaking down the front door and crawling through the house in search of the victims. They found the woman and managed to evacuate her.

Sadly, the grandfather was trapped in a room at the back of the house, and members were unable to reach him; he tragically succumbed to the fire. Metro Fire arrived on scene a short while later and started an extensive search of the gutted house, after which they were eventually able to find and retrieve him.

Netcare911 paramedics were also on scene and treated the woman and our Armed Response Officer for smoke inhalation, who fortunately didn’t sustain any further injuries.

The cause of the fire is unknown at this stage. Metro Fire and the SAPS were on scene for further investigation. Metro Police Search and Rescue and Greenwood Park Victim Support also attended to assist.

We commend all first responders as well as members of the public for their swift action and assistance, with a special mention to our Armed Response Officer Luke Nathaniel, who truly went beyond the call of duty today.

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