A housebreaking suspect was found guilty and imprisoned after our Armed Response Officers and Special Operations Team members found him hiding in the Umgeni Park home he had broken into and immediately placing him under arrest earlier this year.
Detectives from the Greenwood Park SAPS celebrated another successful conviction on Wednesday, led by Detective Sergeant SMH Chiya, this time of a housebreaking suspect who had been operating in the Umgeni Park area in March 2022.

The accused, Siphilangenkosi Dlamini, was found guilty in the Durban Magistrate’s Court last week Wednesday for housebreaking and theft and was sentenced to 12 months direct imprisonment, and was also declared unfit to apply to possess a firearm in the future.
Well done to our teams for their shift action and arrest, and the Greenwood Park SAPS Detective Sergeant SMH Chiya on this successful conviction.