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[INFOGRAPHIC] 📊 Crime Stats April 2023

In April, 154 incidents were reported to our Emergency Dispatch Centre. This is a 31% decrease compared to the rate we recorded in March. The top types of incidents throughout the month were housebreaking, theft and theft of copper.


Throughout the month of April we arrested 14 suspects and recovered 8 stolen or hijacked vehicles. 

High-Speed Chase Results In Apprehension Of Car-Theft Suspects

Our Special Operations Team detained two suspects thought to be connected to multiple motor vehicle theft cases, following an intense pursuit in the Briardene area and the Morningside area.

Armed Robbers Evade Arrest After Shootout At Liquor Store

An unknown amount of armed robbers opened fire at our team members during a business robbery at a well-known liquor store in the Sea Cow Lake area.

Alert Community Member Leads To Arrest Of Wanted Suspects

Two wanted suspects were arrested for theft in the Sunningdale area, thanks to a vigilant CPF member and the effective use of CCTV footage.

AI Cameras Lead To The Successful Apprehension Of Business Burglars

Two suspects were apprehended after being caught breaking into a neighbouring business in the Windermere area.

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